Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 5889
Author(s): Beetham, John D.
Title : Paternal Imagery in Eustathios of Thessalonike's "On the Title Papas"
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 27., ( 2001):  Pages 27
Year of Publication: 2001.

2. Record Number: 5484
Author(s): Messina, Renata Gentile.
Title : Basilissai di origine occidentale nella produzione encomiastica Bizantina (sec. XII) [Byzantine scholars who described the Western-born empresses of the Komnenos period displayed ambivalence; Basil Archidenos described Bertha of Sulzbach (Irene Komnena) with a mixture of approval and disapproval; Eustathios of Thessalonike in his work honoring Agnes of France (Anna) , described her as an "ideal" empress, modest, reserved, submissive, and beautiful; he presented her qualities as an admission of Byzantine superiority].
Source: Byzantinische Forschungen , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 261 - 277.
Year of Publication: 1996.